Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Step one....

Today I woke up at 8:20 and I had a dentist appointment at 8:30. SO I called the office and she told me not to come in and if her 9 o'clock canceled then I could come in. Well she calls me at 9:10 telling me that the 9 o'clock didn't come in, that they over slept as well. SO I went in and they proceeded to numb me.... 3 shots.... ugh.... I hate the feeling of being numb... and they began to drill. It is funny what you think about while they are drilling into your teeth. For example last time I got cavities filled I was a senior in high school (just a little over a year ago). After school I walked up to "3" the conversation went a little like this: 3 "What's wrong with your face?" "Its good to see you too :) I had to go to the dentist and my lip and cheek is numb" "Oh, I wonder what it would feel like to kiss with a numb lip" I tried to persuade him that if he kissed me I would let him know what it felt like. Unfortunately he did not proceed to kiss me :/ so I thought about it in my mind and couldn't help but smile and giggle. and then my memory was interrupted by a rude tugging on my tooth!! Oh well. So now I am sitting in front of the TV trying not to be in pain while my face is un-numbing. Its funny how much pain your face is in while it is numb. :) good day! Can't wait to see how the rest of the day goes. Tonight is going to be fun!! GIRLS NIGHT!!! I will be late! but I will have fun! I am determined! :D

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