Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Scholarships are amazing

I didn't realize how much a scholarship helped out with college. If you have a scholarship do ALL that you can to keep it! It is not fun having to pay for college yourself. Ugh. I am not pleased with myself. Over $1000 in classes this one semester. Today was a stressful day enough. I found out that I am going to pay around $4000 for my braces (luckily I can do this in payments and not right up in front like school :P). I just have not been having good days lately. I need to start running or something, to get all this stress build up gone! I am so glad that institute is free! It is really the only class that I can afford to take! Which is a good thing because I want to take that class and I don't HAVE to take it for photography.

Thanks for listening to my little fit.

Goodnight.... maybe

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